Over the last four years, Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) has had the privilege of seeking out innovative biobased lubricants for the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In our search for acceptable replacements for petroleum alternatives, we have connected with large multi-national lubricant conglomerates as well as small entrepreneurial organizations like Renewable Lubricants. We have taken their products and put them into grueling, demanding Military Specification Test protocols to determine their performance, reliability, lifecycle cost, and safety. The objective is to identify candidate products that could increase the safety of our troops, especially when they have the potential to be exposed to low flashpoint hydraulic fluid leaks in an enclosed environment, such as a tank or personnel carrier. Such conditions are an invitation for disaster and loss of human life.
It is no secret now that Renewable Lubricants has now come to the forefront as perhaps the leading contender for a product that has all of the performance and safety components that we have been searching for. While our testing and development is far from completed due to the high expectations and test demands from the Department of Defense, I am very pleased with the performance of your product, but as important, the design on the part of your organization to dedicate the required research and development resources to fine-tune and further improve your product as the test prices continues. CTC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that has no profit motive in this test process but is acting as a trusted agent for the government in this technology scouting and validation process.
Renewable Lubricants is to be congratulated on the dedication and expertise you have exhibited over the last several years in this extended validation process – and your patience to devote countless hours of research time to find the ideal product formulation of the Department of Defense. It is a testament to your expertise and dedication to this great project which has the potential to lower our reliance on foreign petroleum products, support domestic agriculture, and provide a safer environment for our men and women in uniform. Thanks for all you have done to support these efforts. We look forward to a continued relationship with your company.
Steve Johnson
Director of Technology Management
Concurrent Technologies Corporation